Policy and Resources Committee Agenda - 02 December 2024, 10:00 Help

A meeting to be held at Council Chamber, Lerwick at 10:00 on 02 December 2024.

Number Item
(a)Hold circular calling meeting as read. View Papers
(b)Apologies for absence, if any.
(c)Declarations of interest - Members are asked to consider whether they have an interest to declare in relation to any item on the agenda for this meeting. Any declaration of interest should be sufficient for those at the meeting to understand why you consider you have a clear and substantial interest. If you are in any doubt about whether you have a declarable interest that would prevent you from participating in discussion or a decision, you should seek the advice of the Monitoring Officer, or the Council's legal officers on his behalf, in advance of the meeting. View Papers
(d)Confirm minutes of meeting held on 16 September 2024 View Papers
1Chair's Report: Education and Families Committee
Promoting and Managing School Attendance Policy and Guidance View Papers
2Chair's Report: Environment and Transport Committee
Annual Climate Change Report 2023/24 and Priority Actions 2024/25 View Papers
3Corporate Services - Quarter 2 Performance Report 2024-2025 View Papers
4Community Health and Social Care Planning and Performance Update Q2 View Papers
5Chief Social Work Officer Annual Report  View Papers
6SIC Overall Management Accounts 2024/25 Projected Outturn at Q2  View Papers
7Council Investments - 2024/25 Mid-Year Performance Review Report View Papers
8Asset Investment Plan - Progress Report View Papers
9Asset Investment Plan - Business Cases:
- Pilot Boat and Mooring Boat Life Extension Works
- Enhanced Provision Facilities at Aith Junior High School View Papers
10Knab Redevelopment - Project Update View Papers
11Best Value Thematic Review 2023/24 Workforce Innovation  View Papers
12Shetland Islands Council Strategic Workforce Plan 2021-2026 Update View Papers
13Revised Disciplinary Policy and Procedures View Papers
14Revised Annual Leave and Public Holiday Policy View Papers
15Shetland Islands Council Risk Register  View Papers
The following items contain exempt information 
16Commissioned Services View Papers
17Confidential Risk Register  View Papers